The Importance of Self Care

self care, self, care

While my mother taught me many lessons growing up.  One of the most important things she taught me was a lesson I learned from her example.   My mother,  who was a school teacher, wife, mother of 3 and a care giver for anyone she encountered, taught me that in order to  live a happy fulfilled life, your own self care has to be a priority.  While she taught me this through her example of tirelessly and selflessly caring for others, it was apparent that while being care giver to others is important, caring for yourself allows you to be that.  That’s why not only helping others take time to improve upon their own self care, but continuing to learn how to take care of my own, has been a passion of mine.

As women, we are often encouraged to put others a head of ourselves in preparation to be mothers and wives.  As a mother and wife myself, the stress of caring for a family and working often leads to stress, anxiety and a host of other difficulties that lead to burn out, physical and mental health struggles.  So what is there to do?

8 Ways to Practice Self Care

Get Plenty of sleep

Start with a regular sleep routine that includes a bed time.  Not getting enough sleep leads to a host of physical and mental health problems.

Healthy Diet

Monitor what you eat regularly, a healthier diet is another way to practice self care.  That doesn’t mean that we have to cut out the things we love, but moderation is key.

Move Your Body

Getting at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity has been found to show positive effects in not only physical health but also mental health.  Find enjoyable ways to move, Dance, Walk Your Dog, or go for a swim.  Even starting out with changing small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator can help make a difference in overall health and self care.

Treat yourself Don’t Cheat your Self

Schedule in time to do something nice for yourself, you deserve it.  Whether that means getting your hair done or take a long bubble bath.  Treating yourself doesn’t have to be expensive, just take the time to give yourself something to look forward to that can also help you unwind and destress.

Take Notice of Positive Things in Your Life

Write 10 things you are grateful for

Make a list of Positive Affirmations

Reflect on your day and think about what went right vs what went wrong.

Do Nothing

Yes that’s right, Do Nothing!! We live busy lives and each day the stress of working, completing a project or even being perfect for others can be a chore.  Schedule time to just Do Nothing.  Binge watch your favorite show, take a walk, take a nap or just day dream.  We put a lot of pressure on ourselves and while it is necessary to get things done taking that time to have a weekend to just sit home allows for the much needed break our minds and bodies need.

Do What You Like to do

Often we focus on what our loved wants like or want, especially if you are a mother.  But what about what you want? Take time to make a list of your likes and take time to do those things.

Listen to Music


Play a Game

Read a Book

Connect with Positive and Loving People

Take a Break When You need one

Listen to your body, identify when rest is needed and take a break.



*The advice offered in this blog is intended for informational purposes only. Use of this blog is not intended to replace or substitute for any mental health treatment, financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require psychological or medical treatment, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist in your area. The opinions or views expressed in this blog are not intended to treat or diagnose; nor are they meant to replace the treatment and care that you may be receiving from a licensed professional, physician, or mental health professional. This blog and its author are not responsible for the outcome or results of following any advice in any given situation. You, and only you, are completely responsible for your actions.

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